Thursday, April 21, 2011

the diet...

ABA really seemed to be working for Hunter but we also wanted to put him on a gluten/casein free diet which we had read so much about. Under a gastroenterologist's care, we tried this specialized diet for 6 months but personally, we did not notice a big difference. At first, the doctor thought he had Celiac Disease but it turned out to be a false positive. After the 6 months, we limited his gluten intake and just tried to feed him as healthy as possible. Hunter had alot of sensory issues with foods and their textures. He went to a 4 week food camp, they met for 2 hrs once a week and tried to get the kids to touch the food, keep the food on the same plate even though some kids did not like the food touching other things on their plate, they needed to tolerate it, tough love, huh? They worked up to touching it to their lips and hopefully by the end of the camp, they would be able to eat certain foods. Hunter brought a note home that said, "great job today, I kissed a grape and ate a piece of corn and did not care if my watermelon touched my peas", woohoo!! :)

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